The story of Invisible Gemz began with the vision of Vivian Wideman, who recognized her unique ability to inspire and uplift others. Through her experiences, she understood the significance of identifying and nurturing "hidden gems" – individuals who, despite their circumstances, hold immense potential waiting to be unlocked. Inspired by this mission, Vivian founded Invisible Gemz with the goal of offering group home residents a path toward healing, self-reliance, and empowerment.
What started as a small initiative has now evolved into a transformative nonprofit organization, impacting countless lives in Gastonia and the surrounding areas. Invisible Gemz works to bridge the gap for underserved youth, empowering them to rise above their challenges and discover their own worth. The journey continues, fueled by a deep passion for making a lasting difference and helping young individuals shine in their own unique way.
We'd love to hear from you!
Please fill out the contact form below, and we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. Thank you for reaching out and for your support in empowering youth and transforming lives!
Office location
2020 Remount Rd Suite F-102, Gastonia, North Carolina, 28054Give us a call
(704) 779-3275Send us an email
[email protected]